
Tuesday 3 March 2020

What's respect?

WALT: describe what respect is in our own words.

Respect is what everyone tries to show for others around them, people that show respect are always there to help others that are hurt or, respectful people always listen to others that speak and always have eye contact when speaking with someone else. Respectful people also help others when they read out to others, like teachers, teachers are always taking time out of their own day for children and mid-teens, like us and we're never being respectful to them when they need our attention. Instead we carry on with our chatting and messing, while the respectful people try to get us to sit down and listen.

even though people are disrespectful they do always need respect, like bully's for example, even though they bully everyone they still need to be respected and stepped up to. Respectful people also use respectful words like " yes please" and " no thank you " people always introduce themselves too.


  1. Tēnā koe Jaspa. You have two well-written paragraphs about respect here, well done. You have some really good examples about what respect looks like at school or in the class, I wonder if respect may look differently outside of school - what do you think? Are there any places you visit often where respect may differ? e.g. library, grandparents house, a friends house perhaps? Why do you think it's important that people continue to show respect, regardless of the person? You mentioned that bullies still need to be respected, why do you think that is?

  2. Dear Mas. J. Walker.
    I like how you have included that teachers need more respect, because it is true. I also like the way you've used a light beginning and a hard ending. how do you do it?
    Sincerely Dr. Joshua D. Brits.

  3. Hello Miss Fleet I think that all people need respect because we're all living people, I also think that respect outside of school is a little bit different then inside of school. That's only because of how many people there are in the world than in school, so it would be harder for people to be careful for other people and their property. And respect in the library is a little hard if the library has computer's and people have headphone's on or chatting to a friend.

    Bullies are just like everyone too, they do need respect even if they are being moody and mean, they're just like us. They probably do it because they don't want to feel weaker then anyone else, or had a bad back story.
