
Tuesday 28 April 2020

Boat design.

WALT: Design a boat made of recycled materials.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Refugee character drawing.

WALT: Create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

I chose Josef because I thought that he was very kind to try and keep his father with his mother, sister, and him. And very brave to be walking around a train, talk and laugh with a German knowing that Jews aren't  supposed to. Josef was also thoughtful enough to get his own sister some candy. And that made me think that if everyone would be that kind, brave, and thoughtful enough to do that if leaving their country.

would you do that for your family members if you were forced out of your own country?

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Compare and Contrast settings.

WALT: Compare the similarities and differences of each setting.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Historic people research.

WALT: Reaseach 3 historical people in the novel

Monday 20 April 2020

How to subtract numbers algorithm.

WALT: understand the differeneces when subtracting.

Packing the suitcase.

WALT: create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

Today I had read chapter 4 of 'Refugee', by Alan Gratz. And since we've been introduced to the 3 main characters, Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud. And they all have 1 mission in commen...escape their own country!

The things i have chosen to take with me if i were escaping New Zealand are:

My phone + charger.

The reason I would take my phone is to find out where i'm going on google maps. Stay in contact with my family members that couldn't make it out. And listen to some music at times as well.


The reason I would take my books are because i would have something to do when waiting for something like fishing ( if on a raft ) or my phone to be fully charged. And also because books are really fun to read for me.


I'd take fresh clean cloths because, well...who'd like to be in the same pair of cloths for who knows how long, that person would probably end up being stuck in the middle of no where for a year or so.

Spaghetti + water.

For food i'd have spaghetti because... Well, why not? it's super delicious and plus it's fulling. So that's the thing i'd have and I know it isn't healthy but that's probably the only food i'd miss if food disappeared. And water is another thing to take for me. other wise we'll end up dead of dehydration...and i don't like that thought 1 bit.

Friday 17 April 2020

Cuba poster.

WAlT: Create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Germany post.

WALT: know more things about germany.