
Tuesday 8 September 2020

The Quiz.

WALT: make a Quiz for the audience to test and try to give us feedback.

Reflection: It was very hard for all of us but, Henry, Jack, Marko, Riley, and I all did as much as we could. Jack and I made the characters, Henry did the Questions, and Riley and Marko did something else that helped us do the slide. ( Henry did most of the work while me and Jack were making the characters. )

Friday 24 July 2020


WALT: Conduct a study on two famous mathematicians.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Makey makey.

  1. I don't know anything about Makey makey.
  2. I'm really exited to learn everything about coding robots.
  3. I think it'll be really hard to do both coding and Makey makey because i've never done it.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Galileo Galilei summary.

WALT: learn, create, and share our posters to our blog.

I really liked the learning I did with my friend Riley! It's fun to learn how things were created such as the telescope. I never knew that Jupiter had 4 moons, and that before man took a step on the moon, Galileo Galilei found it had huge craters and mountains. Did you like the poster we made? What else should we add to it to make it better?

Tuesday 9 June 2020

My telescope.

This may have taken a long time, but I think I could have done better! I had used squares and circles! And I've learnt that I should take more time in creating things like this telescope and use more of my imagination. How long did it take you if you used tinker cad?

Thursday 4 June 2020

My quiz.

 It took a very, very long time to create, but Riley and I still managed to finish it. it was really fun to create so we hope you all like it! and tell us what else we should add to the slide to make it better!
if you created a slide like this, how long did it take you?

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Something Alive.

WALT: Create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

The book Something alive is about a teenage girl who was born and raised in New Zealand. The people at her school have been telling her about things she already knows in Japan and asking her about things she doesn’t know. Her parents were also born and raised in New Zealand, her grandmother on the other hand, had come to New Zealand from across the sea to live there. As she learnt more about Japanese and soon got better, and whenever she needed help she had her family and grandmother.